Many cam models have started out on social media. Twitter is a great resource and one that you should be using. With 330 million monthly users, it’s certain that someone is going to see your content. While there is lots of competing cam girls there’s more than enough users to go around. If you don’t already have a camgirl twitter, sign up now!
How can you take advantage of twitter and increase your brand exposure to create more opportunities and earn yourself more money?
It has never been just cam girls. If you were to go on any popular cam website you’ll most likely see gender options for Female, Male, Trans and Couple broadcasts. What is a camgirl? Wikipedia has a fairly simple definition.
A webcam model, also known as a camgirl for females and camboy for males, is a model who performs on the Internet through live webcam footage. A webcam model often performs sexual acts online, such as stripping, in exchange for money, goods, or attention.